"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23

Thursday, August 26, 2010

God doesn't care

This statement is true on ONE occasion: how you pray!! He doesn't care if you are alone, with a group, in church, on a river, in jail, or with a priest; if you say it out loud, in your head, write it down, or shout it from the mountain tops. All that matters is that you pray. God wants to hear what's on your mind. He wants conscious effort on our part to show we are still dedicated to Him and always will be. And I don't know about you all, but I always feel so refreshed after praying. I can conquer the world! Personally I like to close my eyes no matter how I pray or who I'm with because I like it to just be me and Christ, no distractions from our world. I have also started writing things down in a prayer because unfortunately, God has not blessed me with a terrific memory by any means. And when I tell someone I am going to pray for them, I want to keep my word! But it's whatever works best for you. Some people meditate on God's word (which is awesome but I have no idea how!), some people just pray in church, some people only pray before meals, some people pray only when they need help, and some people think that the devil will steal your spoken prayers, but some people pray all the time! I like to think that's me. Whenever I see something pretty, experience something cool, listening to an awesome song about Christ, or when I am in trouble, I pray to Him. Sometimes out loud, sometimes in my head. As long as you have a relationship with God, you have to have communication!! This is through prayer. And there is nothing more powerful in this world than prayer. I only ask one thing: don't get into a rut. Don't say the same exact thing or ask for the same exact things every day and nothing more. Why? Because after some time, it becomes simply routine and loses its meaning. For example, I think the Lord's Prayer is a beautiful prayer, but the prayer is just words to me. I have no idea what all the individual lines mean in the grand scheme of things, let alone what they mean to me. My church doesn't say such prayers, so I will give you another example. Millions of people around the globe are Catholic, and I had the chance to go to a Catholic mass this year. When I walked in, they were saying the Hail Mary. Now these people were saying it so fast, I bet you very few people truly knew what they were saying. Prayers are not competitions of speed, people. They are holy words spoken by us to our Heavenly Father. They become sacred. So let me give you an alternative idea. Next time you say the Lord's Prayer or a Hail Mary, etc, go home and break it down line by line. Many of these such prayers are found in the Bible, often times said by Christ Himself. Think about each line and try to understand what Christ was trying to say, and what you are trying to say by repeating it back to Him. Use references you or your Pastor trusts if you run into a line or two you can't crack. God does care if you say these words without understanding them because you are not glorifying Him by doing so. Understand them, and then God will not care how or where you say them.
God Bless!

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